DID YOU KNOW ❓ ADVICE SHEET : Wineries & Breweries

The REUSE of Bottles… Shall we discuss it?

la consigne

SUFILOG has been involved in an environmental approach for several years and naturally took a close interest in the bottle reuse sector. For what ?

Quite simply because with its stillage cages, SUFILOG actively participates in the development of the cycle of reuse of all types of bottles dedicated to reuse!

Bottles of beer, wine, cider and even fruit juice are affected by this sector 👌. SUFILOG is involved in every step of processing these bottles, providing containers that ensure safe collection, sorting, transportation and storage.

✔️ Follow the journey of our stillage cages in the process of the sector:

SUFILOG stillage cage are available in different sizes, and can be folded, stacked, and equipped with many accessories that facilitate your organization:

Equip your stillage cage with Protective Covers, hang Label Holders to differentiate them, insert Separators to compartmentalize certain bottles or even position identification plates with your logo to trace them.

Contact us to choose the stillage cage you need!

Looking to store vintage endings❓

✅SUFILOG offers you 2 solutions:

1️⃣ Store your bottles in smaller stillage cages. The mini wired stillage cage is made for you!

It allows you to secure a small quantity of bottles that you want to keep.

2️⃣ Possibility to insert a vertical divider which allows you to share the volume of your stillage cage. This accessory is very practical, easy to install and useful for organizing the storage of your bottles!

Extra tip: Hang one or more A4 or A5 label holders of your choice on your stillage cage. It allows you to visualize the different types of Vintages, for example.

Looking to eliminate dust on your stored bottles❓

The protective cover is the product you need! It protects the bottles from dust and dirt for a long time! It fits on the stillage cage and closes with hook-and-loop straps.

 ✅The Plus: a translucent label holder sewn on the front, allows you to indicate any necessary information.

Do you have bottles other than wine bottles❓

✅It works too!

1️⃣ BREWERS: This is for you 🍺

Depending on the beer bottle formats or capacities you use, our stillage cage will be very useful to you to avoid broken bottles but also to easily store all your production. The beer bottles are then stored upright and separated by a divider to completely fill the stillage cage. Well-organized, the bottles are better protected from impacts.

The 2nd advantage allows you to store multiple stillage cages filled with bottles on top of each other, which is a significant space saving for storing all your production safely.

Want to learn more about stillage cages dedicated to your activity? If you don’t know which stillage cage to choose for your beer bottles, contact us for more information 💬

Bouteilles de Bière

2️⃣ Are you an OLEIC FARMER?

Use our stillage cages to store all your olive oil bottles! Wheter standing or lying down, your oil bottles are neatly arranged and, most importantly, protected. This steel storage support is robust enough to hold your bottles of olive oil and serve as a display in cooperative cellar shops, or directly at the mill!

Stillage cages can also be used to differentiate harvests and prevent mixing bottles. By adding a removable label holder to each stillage cage, you can identify the production and transport it safely.

bouteilles d'huile d'olive

3️⃣ Cider bottles 🍏, Fruit Juice🍊, ORGANIC Juice🍓… All types of Bottled Drinks 👍: Our stillages cages are perfect for storage, preservation, protection and safe transportation! The half-door on the front has been designed to get as close as possible to the container and make bottle handling operations easy. Self-locking handles ensure the stillage cage is securely closed, safeguarding all contents. Plus, our containers are both stackable and durable.

It is an essential support 😃 for sectors of activity that use glass bottles! Choosing the “right” stillage cage to best meet your wishes means starting by understanding the different technical features. Reach out to our sales team or discover them on the website! 👀