Insulated container 165 liters
The insulated container is rigid and waterproof, it has a sandwich construction.
Its outer polyethylene coating is 2 mm thick.
The frame is metallic, closed by a cover. The container has 2 door handles and side guards.
This container has the particularity of being able to stack and separate the different stored products.
The logistical tip: It can easily fit into a Roll to facilitate its movement and transport for deliveries. A Roll can accomodate 2 containers of 165 liters stacked on top of each other.
You have the choice of rolling support to integrate our insulated container. You can choose an entirely metal Roll (picture 3) or a Roll equipped with an HDPE base (pictures 4,5 and 6), frequently used in the food industry. The container door opens completely and rests on the side rail to provide free access to its content!
All special requests for a product in the category are analyzed by our Design Department.