Privacy policy

Personal data protection policy

This privacy policy applies to this entire website and is intended to inform you of the way YTHALES INVEST collects and processes your personal data from its website.

When you visit this website, YTHALES INVEST, whose registered office is located at 9 rue Jules Verne, 37520, La Riche, may be required to process personal data.

YTHALES INVEST is required to process information identifying you, collected in various ways, including through form(s).

YTHALES INVEST ensures that any processing of personal data carried out on your data complies with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals about the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (or GDPR below) and any other national and European privacy legislation.

Any processing of your personal data is legally based on your consent and/or our compelling legitimate interest, depending on the purpose of the processing.

1. Goal

The purpose of collecting data on the YTHALES INVEST site is to create a management file of prospects and clients or candidates of our company. Our file is used and optimised for statistical purposes, to contact and/or propose relevant and quality content to those who wish to receive it. The purpose of our forms is either to request contact or resources (white papers, infographics, etc.), or to register for an event or our newsletter.

If you submit a CV or unsolicited application online, we will use your personal data for recruitment purposes.

2. Relevance of data

Personal data collected

YTHALES INVEST may collect and process the following data:

  • Information you send us directly

During your visit to our website, you may be asked to provide us with information about yourself. This information is collected through contact forms.

  • Information that we collect automatically

When you visit our website, we collect information relating to your connection and navigation. This information is collected using standard Internet technologies. We may automatically collect information such as your IP address, your browser type, your bandwidth, your browsing times and dates and the number of pages viewed.

We also use Google Analytics to measure the number of visitors to our website. To adapt the site to your needs, we measure the number of visits, the number of pages viewed, visitor activity on the site and the frequency of visits.

Purpose of processing

Your personal data is processed by YTHALES INVEST for specific, legitimate and explicit purposes such as:

  • Responding to your requests in the contact form
  • Improving the services offered on the website

The data is not sold or used for any purpose other than those mentioned above.

3. Recipients of data

YTHALES INVEST may transmit personal data to subcontractors whose function is the development, maintenance and improvement of this website. These subcontractors are required to comply with legal obligations regarding the protection of privacy, in the same way as YTHALES INVEST.

YTHALES INVEST ensures that your personal data is not transmitted outside the European Economic Area. If this is not the case, YTHALES INVEST undertakes to guarantee the protection of your personal data by regulating these transfers using standard contractual clauses if the recipient country concerned does not guarantee an adequate level of privacy protection according to the decisions of the European Commission.

4. Lawfulness of processing and conditions applicable to consent

Consent to the processing of a visitor’s personal data is systematically obtained for one or more specific purposes. For example, when filling in a newsletter registration form or downloading a white paper or an infographic, the purpose of obtaining the visitor’s email address is to send them notification of new publications or to suggest resources that may be of interest to them. When applying, the purpose of obtaining the postal address, telephone number and email address of the applicant is to contact them either by email, telephone, or post.

5. Data retention

Personal data processed by YTHALES INVEST is kept for a limited period, the duration of which is defined and complies with the legal provisions relating to the protection of personal data in force.

YTHALES INVEST ensures that any personal data whose retention is no longer justified by legal requirements will be securely deleted.

6. Individual rights

Under the provisions of the GDPR, you have several rights in relation to your personal data. You have the right to:

  • Request a copy of the data we hold about you (‘right of access’ and ‘right to portability’)
  • Request rectification of this data if it is incorrect or obsolete (‘right of rectification’)
  • Request the deletion of your data on legitimate grounds (‘right to deletion’)
  • Object to the processing of your data for canvassing purposes on legitimate grounds (‘right to object’)
  • Request that the processing of your data be restricted for a legitimate reason (‘right to restrict processing’)

You may exercise your rights by contacting us by post at the following address

Ythales Invest

9 rue Jules Verne

37520, La Riche

You may also contact our data protection delegate at the following email address:

We will respond to your request within a reasonable period in accordance with current legislation. In the event of an unsatisfactory response, you may lodge a complaint with the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL).

7. Data security and processing

YTHALES INVEST undertakes to ensure the confidentiality of the data collected, and to implement all appropriate technical and organisational measures to preserve their security and integrity, against accidental loss, alteration, distribution, or unauthorised access.

In general, YTHALES INVEST undertakes to use the data collected in strict compliance with the legislation in force, and in particular Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, known as the GDPR.

8. Data breach and notification within 72 hours

In the event of a breach or suspected breach of personal data, YTHALES INVEST will notify the CNIL within 72 hours of becoming aware of the breach.

9. Cookie management policy

This ‘COOKIES’ section tells you more about the origin and use of browsing information processed when you visit our site and about your rights.

When you visit our site, information relating to your browsing may be recorded in ‘cookie’ files installed on your terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.).

These cookies are issued by us to facilitate your browsing on our site. They may be issued by partners to personalise the advertising offer sent to you outside our site.

Please note that only the sender of a cookie is likely to read or modify the information contained in it. If you share the use of your terminal with other people, we cannot be certain that the services and advertising intended for your terminal correspond to your own use of this terminal and not to that of another user of this terminal.

9.1. The cookies we issue

The cookies we install on your terminal enable us to recognise your browser when you connect to our site. To provide our customers with the best possible service, we issue cookies to:

  • Compile visitor statistics (number of visits, pages viewed, abandonment of the form entry process, etc.) to monitor and improve the quality of our services.
  • Adapt the presentation of our site to your terminal’s display preferences
  • To provide you with content related to your interests and to personalise the offers we send you

9.2. The cookies from third parties

When you access our website, one or more cookies from partner companies (third-party cookies) may be placed on your computer via the pages of our site.

The issue and use of cookies by third parties are subject to the privacy protection policies of these third parties. We have no access to or control over third-party cookies. However, we ensure that partner companies process the information collected on YTHALES INVEST sites exclusively for the needs of YTHALES INVEST and in compliance with the law ‘Informatique et Libertés’ and the GDPR. We inform you that you can refuse third party cookies by making the appropriate settings on your browser. These cookies are placed by the service providers we use to promote our activities and offers. Their purpose is to identify the products consulted on our site to personalise the advertising offer sent to you outside the YTHALES INVEST sites, to send you, if you have authorised it when registering with these service providers, YTHALES INVEST offers by e-mail.

9.3. Your choices about cookies

You have several options for managing cookies. Any settings you make may affect your browsing on the Internet and your conditions of access to certain services requiring the use of cookies. You can express and modify your wishes about cookies at any time, by the means described below.

The choices offered to you by your browser software:

You can configure your browser software so that cookies are stored on your terminal or, conversely, so that they are rejected, either systematically or depending on the sender. You can also configure your browser software so that you are offered the option of accepting or rejecting cookies from time to time, before a cookie is likely to be stored on your terminal. Please note that if your browser is configured to refuse all cookies, you will not be able to make reservations or take advantage of the essential functions of our site. We invite you to configure your browser as best you can. The configuration of each browser is different.

Browser settings:

For more information on cookies, please visit the CNIL website at:

What are our cookies used for?

– Google: This site uses Google advertising and audience measurement cookies to display personalised advertising (targeting and retargeting), measure the effectiveness of these campaigns and analyse the operation of the site.

– Bing: This site uses Bing Ads advertising cookies to display personalised advertising (targeting and retargeting) and to measure the effectiveness of these campaigns.

– LinkedIn: This site uses LinkedIn advertising and audience measurement cookies to display personalised advertising (targeting and retargeting), measure the effectiveness of these campaigns and analyse the operation of the site.

10. External links

The website links to many other websites. YTHALES INVEST can in no way be held responsible for the content and privacy policy of these sites. YTHALES INVEST cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage that may result from their use: access to these sites and sites linked to these sites, and damage, not limited to financial or commercial loss, operating loss, loss of data, even if we have been notified in advance.