Some example of the EasyLean® Kit in action
Lean Manufacturing is a management and organisation system which can significantly reduce additional expenses, such as waste and any irrational or superfluous operations within an infrastructure.
Currently, Lean Manufacturing has become a key success factor for companies looking to enhance their productivity. It is a way to achieve excellence by massively improving the company’s production processes over the long term and making them much more competitive.
This is why SUFILOG has developed a range of EasyLean® Kit products, designed to embrace Lean Manufacture and become an active part of user companies’ further improvement strategy. The EasyLean® Kit range offers a full range of ergonomic, reusable and powerful tools which improve the quality of their work and involve all of their operators in their success.
Easy to assemble, modified to suit individual needs and extra-strong, the EasyLean® Kit range is an accessible solution. These solutions can be mass-manufactured or produced in smaller series.
The EasyLean® Kit range is delivered in specific, pre-defined packaging units.
All special requests for a product in the category are analyzed by our Design Department.